Thomas Mogensen not only composed a ton of awesome C64 tunes, he also composed for a few Game Boy Color games in the late 90’s. This page contains all the work he has done, including demo tunes.
The process of creating these tunes actually began in FastTracker 2. Thomas composed the tunes using samples from a Game Boy Color. The saved XM files were then converted to Game Boy Color binaries using a tool coded by Thomas Egeskov Petersen. The Game Boy Color hardware has two square wave channels, one wave channel, and one noise channel, but note that most in-game level tunes only use two voices.
Everything has been converted from the original XM files to MP3 for easy listening.
Jim Henson’s Bear in the Big Blue House
Bear in the Big Blue House for Game Boy Color was developed and published by Ubisoft in 2001.

KRTL: Jay und die Spielzeugdiebe
Jay und die Spielzeugdiebe (“Jay the Lion”) for Game Boy Color was developed by Eclipse Entertainment and published by THQ in 2000. It was only released in Germany.

Micro Machines V3 (Unused)
Thomas made the music below for the Game Boy Color version of Micro Machines V3, but it was replaced with music by Thomas Egeskov Petersen (Laxity) in the final game (not included here). The game itself was developed by Novalicious and published by THQ in 2000.

The Land Before Time
The Land Before Time for Game Boy Color was developed by Eclipse Entertainment and published by Swing! Entertainment Media in 2001.

Demo Music
The following tunes were just made to test the Game Boy samples and the converter.
June 27, 2017: Added screenshots (zoomed from 160×144 to 220×198).
Lovely stuff! Any chance for GB binaries or sources? I’d love to check Ting on real hardware!
I’ll ask the guys about it. Stay tuned.
Thanks! If I’m not mistaken they used Mplay2 player written by Laxity in those games. He was nice to share MPlay1 sources back in the days while Mplay2 was for commercial projects. Unfortunately web archive didn’t mirror it and it’s nowhere to be found.
I’ve asked Laxity about it a few times now, but he’s currently moving to a new place and keeps forgetting about it.
Ah, I see. Let’s hope he’ll get back to you when he’s less busy!
Hey. I know it’s been a few years since this post was made, but do you happen to still have the original tracker modules for these songs? I’d like to have them.
Sure. They can now be downloaded here: (385 KB) (2,9 MB)
Draw is the wonderous inspiration!
One thing which itches me is that I recognize the melody in BITBBH’s ATTIC, like it’s so popular. I mean it would be extremely dope if he was the first to use this melody! Would you, please, let me know if you know more in regards of what I mean?