I always take a lot of screenshots in all the games I play, and spending so many hours in the company of a big open world RPG such as Fallout 4 inevitably results in a few funny ones as well.
A strangling pose preserved for hundreds of years. Impressive.
Presumably so that you could learn better drawing skills, right?
Walter, could you hand me the ketchup, please? Thank you.I… almost… got it! Uh, could you pull me back out?If that’s the Monty Python rabbit, you’re gonna need a bigger gun. Trust me on that.And then they didn’t even bother to list the contact information. Now how am I gonna fix this?Don’t tell me the raiders don’t have a sense of humor.Apparently these are the orders all super mutants live by.Waiter! A beer for my gun-toting friend here!Looks like Nick Valentine got wood.He’s got a point. But it was still an awesome quest.Almost all of my legendary drops have been crap like this.Maybe it came from the same publisher that gave us “HTML for Babies”.Looks like it would be right at home in “Sir, You Are Being Hunted” (which I’ve yet to play).Oh, a door bell. How nice. Honey, would you pull that, please?
MacCready the vault janitor: