Category: Fun
Humor, sarcasm, tomfoolery and nonsense.

The Witcher 3: Funny Pictures
A few funnies out of the enormous ocean of screenshots I’ve taken so far. It should be somewhat light on spoilers. A few characters are revealed that you probably knew you were going to see anyway.

Risen 3: Profanity Overload
While I was playing through Risen 3: Titan Lords, and also later while writing the blog post about it, it repeatedly hit me how much the characters were cursing and swearing all over the place. I don’t consider myself a sissy regarding this – in fact, I often decry the lack of profanity in American TV shows.
Nevertheless, the writers certainly didn’t hold back regarding profanity, mocking and negging in this game, and there were places where I thought they really overdid it. I know this is a pirate game and it is supposed to fit the theme, but just a tiny bit more moderation might still have been for the better.
For example, have you ever had this dialog option before upon meeting the bad guy for the first time?
He deserved it, no doubt, yet it still seemed out of place. And Nekroloth didn’t really react to it anyway.
Risen 3: Spell Immunity
I’m in the middle of playing through Risen 3: Titan Lords and have just acquired some offensive magic spells by joining one of three factions in the game. I’ll try to keep spoilers at a low level here, so I won’t go too much into specifics. (A minutia blog post about the game will be uploaded when I’ve completed it.)
After joining up with the faction, I was given a trial of killing a golem with an offensive spell. The trainer recommended using a fire spell that i could buy from him now, but then my experience with a ton of RPG immediately begged to differ. In most of these games a common denominator often say that creatures are probably immune to elemental spell damage that matches their own affinity. Fire demons ignore fire damage, ice golems ignore frost damage, that kind of thing.
But the trick is that in most RPG, beings immune to lightning are actually quite rare – most of the time even nonexistent. Lightning often works well against all elemental creatures, including fire and ice. And for that reason, I’ve favored this type of magic for quite a while.
So I ignored his recommendations, went to another trainer, and bought a lightning spell!
Fallout 4: Funny Pictures
I always take a lot of screenshots in all the games I play, and spending so many hours in the company of a big open world RPG such as Fallout 4 inevitably results in a few funny ones as well.

Quote of the Day
Only one of us is gonna survive this, and it ain’t gonna be you!Super Mutant Suicider in Fallout 4