Developer: Kojima Productions | Released: 2022 | Genre: 3PS, Adventure
This game was essentially Hideo Kojima discovering walking simulators and then saying:
Let’s make an AAA game out of that!
The human characters models and their facial animations were out of this world in this game. Probably the best I have seen so far. The pimples, the eye colors, the perfect lip sync. Really amazing work.
If anything, the camera was often too close to their faces.
Being late to the party as always, I actually didn’t want to play this for the longest time. It looked like it could be frustrating. While it was certainly not devoid of enemies and boss fights, it had enough interesting treks across Icelandic landscapes to warrant me spending some time with it.
Another reason I liked the game was how refreshingly different it was. In a world dominated by hackneyed tropes such as fantasy games with sword-wielding warriors and wizards with fireballs, first person shooters with reloading guns and bullet sponge enemies, and point-and-click adventures with object-combining inventories and dialog choices, this AAA game dared to try something entirely different.
A package delivery simulator. A more apt definition than walking simulator.